A smile :)
There's something you may give
A friend and stranger too...
It seems that when you give it
It's given back to you.
This gift is worth a milion
But doesn't cost a dime.
It's lasting in effect,
But doesn't take much time.
This simple little gesture
Can make the day worth while,
It's just as good as sunshine
It's what we call a SMILE! :)
(Unknown Author)
Kos, știu că-ți plac motto-urile foarte mult :P îți las unul pe care tu l-ai experimentat cu vârf și-ndesat :D
~ ... totul este posbil... e doar o chestiune de timp, timpul de a înțelege în ce fel este posibil. Marc Levy
Ohhh ... multumesc mult ...
RăspundețiȘtergereEsti o scumpica :) ...