In a world of talkers, Mack is a thinker and doer. He doesn't say much unless you ask him directly, which most folks have learned not to do. When he does speak you wonder if he isn't some sort of alien who sees the lansdcape of human ideas and experiences differently than everybody else.
The thing is, he usually makes uncomfortable sense in a world where most folks would rather hear what they are used to hearing, which is often not much of anything. Those who know him generally like him well enough, providing he keeps his thoughts mostly to himself. And when he does talk, it isn't that they stop liking him - rather, they are not quite so satisfied with themselves.
(William P. Young - The Shack - pag.9)
The Shack e o carte care merita citita, il prezinta pe Dumnezeu si relatia lui cu omul intr-un fel nou si inedit, cel putin nou pentru mine. Pot spune ca am capatat o noua perspectiva asupra Divinitatii... Nu mi-a schimbat credinta, mi-a schimbat perceptia despre anumite parti care pana acum erau putin invaluite in ceata... Daca va pica vreodata in mana aceasta carte, cititi-o...
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